
We believe it is important to be good stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. We practice this stewardship in two distinct but intertwined ways:

  • Financial Stewardship:  Since our company began in 2009, we have grown slowly but steadily without taking on any debt.  This has allowed us to expand our equipment and capabilities from a position of confidence.  Furthermore, we follow the Biblical practice of tithing (see Malachi 3:10), and so donate 10% of annual profits to charities and Christian ministries.  Below are organizations we have supported thus far:

              - Women's Resource Center, 407 E Market St, Suite 106, Crawfordsville, IN  47933, 765.362.3028
              - Focus on the Family -
              - Rock Point Church -
              - Familyman Ministries - 
              - Wind River Ranch - 
              - Show Hope - 

  • Environmental Stewardship:  Just as God placed Adam in the garden to work it and care for it (Genesis 2:15), we are to cultivate, wisely manage, and carefully steward the earth.  We practice this through:

        Reducing - We pay for trash disposal on a cost/bag basis, which encourages us to recycle everything possible. 

        Reusing - Most of the limestone we carve is reclaimed from demolition sites, all of our slate is reclaimed roofing or
        schoolhouse chalkboards, and the majority of our granite is waste material from a countertop manufacturer.  

        Recycling - Not just paper and plastic, but stone fragments are even recycled into aggregate for construction.